1st Woldingham News

Date: 21st Mar 2023 Author: Susan Dobson

Over the past month the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts have enjoyed a fantastic variety of learning experiences and activities. In mid-January, the Scout Hut was host to a whole variety of fascinating reptiles at our reptile experience event. Our members were given the opportunity to meet and carefully handle some stunning scaly creatures, including lizards, bearded dragons, pythons and corn snakes. They learned some amazing lizardy lessons from the professionals who had rescued these unwanted pets. Indeed, our young people listened carefully to the information about their habitats and diet, and importantly learned that reptiles do not particularly make great pets and would thrive, instead of just survive, if allowed to remain in their natural habitats.

The Beavers started work on their Adventure badges in February by venturing out on to Station Road to learn about the Green Cross Code. They also attained their Experiment badges this month, not only by discovering how to make a white light spinner out of felt pens and paper plates, but also by turning white flowers pink using coloured water, and learning about the capillary system in flower stems.

Meanwhile, the Cubs have been working towards their Scientist badges. They discovered a new type of horticulture called hydroponics and have been amazed by the results – Cub families are not going to run out of lettuce any time soon! They also fired home-made rockets into the sky by experimenting with the reaction of vinegar mixed with sodium bicarbonate. Lastly, in order to complete their ‘Interacting with Energy’ module, the Cubs made tornados in jars, and then used marshmallows and spaghetti to determine the best way to build the strongest tower. There were no surviving marshmallows by the end of that experiment!

The highlight of the month for the Scouts was their visit to Ridge Radio at Soper Hall. Our members absolutely loved this fantastic opportunity to visit the radio station where they were able to explore the technology and learn about how the shows are put together, including show changeovers. They even got a chance to speak on live radio! If you would like to listen to our Scout Group in action, please find the recording on the following link: https://www.mixcloud.com/alex-campbell14/ridge-radio-saturday-morning-breakfast-show-on-28-january-2022/ and listen from about 1hr 33mins into the show!


Clare Powdrill

I want the public to know how Scouting continues to open young people’s eyes to a world of extraordinary promise and possibilities.'
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout Bear Grylls